Precision Bike Fiting

What is a Retül Fit?
Retül Fit is more than just a bike fit—it’s a way to learn about your body, the root cause
of your aches and pains, and how a proper fit will help you achieve your cycling goals.
Retül provides you and the fitter with data to
support the choices made during the fit for your cycling equipment and personal riding experience.

Starting with a pre-fit physical assessment, your fitter will take into account your body’s limitations, previous injuries and pains, and what your goals are on the bike.

From there, the fitter will have you get on the bike (either your existing bike or fit bike) to place LED markers on 8 anatomical points
of your body which will be tracked by the Retül Vantage Motion Capture system. The Retül Vantage system is used to collect real-time, three-dimensional data from each pedal stroke creating a dynamic fit

The real-time dynamic data is compiled into the Retül bike fit software so that the fitter can look at the numbers, which show degrees of movement that cannot be seen with the naked eye, and make adjustments to your bike based on the fit data, pre-fit physical assessment findings and your goals on the bike. This also may include any equipment changes, such as shoes, footbeds, saddle, handlebars, etc.

Once you and your fitter have dialed in your final bike position, the fitter will create a digital map of your final bike set up using the Retül Zin tool. The bike data and Zin tool measurements are generated into a complete report that you can reference at any time after your bike fit appointment.